Employees come and go! Even if you are the best employer in town, you need to be ready for when employee transition occurs. The nature of workplace transitions, are vast from planned to unplanned, but being prepared is the key to maintaining operational continuity.

Modern businesses implement an array of initiatives to help improve employee retention, which beyond retention can have significant benefits in terms of productivity and being an employee of choice. However, many factors cause employees to vacate their roles, regardless of retention initiatives. A lack of preparedness can have far reaching operational impacts.

Planning for the inevitable also has many benefits other than maintaining operational continuity. The act of creating a knowledge profile also allows the exiting employee to create a legacy and demonstrates you value their work. Additional outcomes include a recognition of sources of variance, completed tasks and projects and a healthy closure for all involved.

If a new employee is to be on boarded into the role the wealth of data provided ensures they are off to a great start and able to add value quickly.